The Korrent Islands, a Fake History of a Fake Island

6 min readMar 13, 2019


Before we start, I’d like to say that this is a fake island that I made and drew. This history is completely fictional and of my creation. I want to present a detailed historia for it just for fun, and hey, that might be interesting.

So I’m kind of a geography geek. Looking at maps is pretty fun and the shapes and terrain are really interesting. Most of all I’m obsessed with islands, because due to their small size I can explore every crevice of them through the map. This island is very loosely based off of the Kerguelen Islands, pictured here:

One final thing, this lore is set during the middle ages.

Basic Geography

The Korrent Islands are divided into separate islands that are very close in proximity. There are 2 major ports on each island, the Origines Harbor on East Korrent island, and the Penwin Gulf on West Korrent island. There is a port at Southerland but it is used more as a beach because the tides make it harder to dock a boat.

West Korrent Island is home to Mount Hulroy, which is the tallest mountain on the islands. East Korrent Island has 3 smaller mountains which serve to form a valley around the capital of Briston. The western island is the less populous of the two islands. If it were to appear on our world map, it would be somewhere here:


The economy of the Korrent Islands is based mainly on mining exports. There are farms on the Korrent Islands but they only grow essential crops like potatoes and wheat, and a lot of the more luxurious foods are imported from other countries.

Origines Harbor

The Origines Harbor is the more used port of the 2, as it is bigger and easier to spot.

Dewford and East Haven

Dewford is a port city filled mostly with merchants and sailors and is very wealthy.

East Haven is a small fishing town with a few farms

Clifford’s Valley

Named after Captain Clifford, who first discovered the island, it’s the most populous part of the island.

Ormingby is a large town filled mostly with big farms meant to feed the surrounding towns of the islands. It accounts for over half of the island’s crop yield. It uses water from Lake Briston, the largest body of water on the island, which spans nearly a mile.

Briston is the capital of the Korrent Islands. It is mostly inhabited by the feudal lords and the Korrentian Royal Family, as well as a police force. This place is generally seen as rich, while the rest of the island is inhabited by poor farmers and fishers.

Calceth and East and West Alderfort

Calceth is inhabited with better off farmers. It has a lot of farms, but also is a fishing village.

The Alderforts are mining towns. Most of the inhabitants live in West Alderfort and mine in East Alderfort

Mount Hulroy

Mount Hulroy is the biggest mountain on the islands, stretching over a mile long. The mountain is rich in gold so it brings in a lot of income into the Korrent islands.

The Penwin Gulf Area

The Penwin Gulf Area is more isolated from the king in Briston, and from the rest of the island. This allows them to develop their own distinctive culture that values independence more

Both Portwick and West Haven rely mostly on fish and imports for food. Portwick is the bigger of the two and has the most power because it is even farther away from the crown. The two still feel a sense of bonding as the merchants often communicate and trade when necessary. They have even formed their own local governments as a measure of their independence.


Bexley was a very promising town. It was close to Bran Pond so it had it’s own water source, and it could mine very easily. However, the area was largely mined(which is why the mountain is smaller there) and its distance from the capital and any ports made it a ghost town. Now no one lives there except for an old man who frequently talks to his dead wife.

Barek’s Islands

Named after William Barek, an explorer who named them for himself. These islands aren’t that valuable, but they serve as a status symbol for Barek’s descendants.

Kurt’s Territory

Kurt Bexley was a nobleman during the founding of the Korrent Islands. After his town, Bexley, failed, he reluctantly retreated to his wealth and annexed a forest and a huge island. The island is larger than the capital of Briston, and Kurt doesn’t really do anything with it. Same for the forest. This effectively makes Kurt’s forest and island the only nature preserves on the islands.

South East Korrent Island

South Briston is a small subsection of Briston relegated to only the peasantry. There isn’t much else to say here, as the Royal Family didn’t want to dilute the Briston name with poverty.

Southerland is a fishing town and minor port. It provides most of Briston’s fish. It also has a nice beach to play in, but has a specific part partitioned out only for nobility.

Grandover Island is an island about the size of Briston, but like Kurt’s Island isn’t inhabited. It is owned by the Korrentian Royal Family.

Foreign Affairs

Korrentians are very good seafarers and have a very good navy. This allows them to take over many other islands near them. At this time period they control the Canary Islands and Madeira, as well as the Savage Islands. The Korrent Islands are extremely small, so all of this is welcome. Currently, Europe is facing the Black Plague, and due to the Korrent Islands’s more isolationist policies(as their island could easily be gobbled up by a larger empire), their island doesn’t suffer from the Black Death. They engaged in a lot of trade with the poweful African nation of Mali, which helped them avoid catching the plague.

So that was the Korrent Islands, my fictional set of islands. Let me know what you think and if you enjoyed this! I might make more.




Written by Mahi

Computer Scientist and Part-Time Philosopher :P

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